Scamming Strength

I can only imagine the level of scheming…

Daily, I am witness to the greatest con ever concocted.   Sucka muscles and mitochondria, you never even saw it coming.  Each and every day you are being fooled into doing so many weird things that you wouldn’t normally do by yourself.  Training sessions prod you each day.  Test you.  Heavy weights here, fast movements there, a veritable witches brew of destruction.  Some days you are left flat on your back, muscles battered and soul shocked.  Shuffling to the toilet from the couch is fraught with pain and agony.

But those days slowly fade off into the distance, memories only to be looked back upon with a chuckle and a smirk.  You grow stronger, faster.  You move with a level of confidence on par with that of a battled hardened warrior.  Work gets easier.

Therein lies the con:  while the barbells, wooden rings, and plyo boxes fully believe  that they are destroying you, robbing you of energy and spirit, you have all the while been out-conning the con-artists:  you show them that tight six pack, the before and after picture of you with nearly forty pounds of flab melted from your frame.  Your eyes flicker with a fierceness, inviting all to step forward, for you have faced your fears and the countless challenges, you have faced all the “scams” that have attempted to pummel you into oblivion…only to have risen, laughing maniacally, and then quietly speaking one word:  MORE.

Let the scam continue…



Part I

Squat Snatches from Blocks at the Hang

Five sets of three.

Pick a lighter weight.  Focus on technique.  Be explosive.

Part II

EMOM 6 minutes

3 Front Squats (80% of 1 RM)


3 Rounds for Time

25 Double Unders (50 Singles substitution)

10 Push Presses (70% of 1 RM)

5 Box Jumps (34″/28″)

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One thought on “Scamming Strength

  1. Joe B says:

    Great workout and entry.

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